before you approve your proofs, make sure to check:

  • GRAMMAR: Have a friend or a family member check your grammar, even if you are confident in your grammar skills
  • PUNCTUATION: Formal wedding invitations usually do not use punctuation to separate lines. Zip codes are also not commonly included on addresses
  • NAMES SPELLING: Might sound redundant, but it is never overkill. Bride, groom, and parents names always require a double check. Traditionally the bride’s name come first. A last name is not needed for the bride and the groom when the parents are listed
  • CORRECT WEDDING DATE: Month, day and year. Also make sure that the day of the week is the correct one (friday vs saturday). The day of the week usually preceeds the date. Only the day of the week and the month are capitalized. Everything is written in full, numbers are not used on formal invitations. Traditionally the first letter of the year is also capitalized. The word “and” does not belong in the year
  • CHECK TITLES IF ANY: Make sure that each of the people mentioned on the invitation have the correct titles. On a traditional invitations parents are listed as “Mr. and Mrs. John Doe”, often bride and grooms prefer titles on their names as well. Make sure that Doctors get the proper titles
  • DIVORCED PARENTS: The names of married couples are on the same line, the names of divorced couples are on separate lines
  • TIME OF CEREMONY AND RECEPTION: consider bumping it up 15 minutes to build in cushion for late arrival
  • FORMALITY CONSISTENCY: Most couples choose to use formal wedding invitation wording, which means all words are spelled out. Make sure you follow this rule throughout your entire invitation ensemble.
  • “THE HONOR OF YOUR PRESENCE” or “THE PLEASURE OF YOUR COMPANY”: The “honor” of someone’s presence is requested at a place of worship. The “pleasure” of one’s company is more commonly used for other venues
  • HONOR VS HONOUR, FAVOR VS FAVOUR: Honour and favour are the British spellings of Honor and Favor, and according to some, british spellings are more formal and dignified. The most important thing is to keep consistency
  • PROPER JOINING WORD: The word “and” is used between the bride and the groom’s names on invitations hosted (issued) by the couple themselves, and/or wedding reception invitations. The word “to” between the bride and the groom’s names often appear in Christian wedding invitations
  • CORRECT ADDRESSES: measure twice and cut once when it comes to addresses, you may want to go the extra mile and double check on google maps and mapquest. Also make sure city and state are included, but not the zipcode.
  • ACCURATE ACCOMMODATIONS INFORMATION: this includes hotel addresses, but also phone numbers, room block names and rates
  • RSVP DATE: Responses are usually requested 2 to 4 weeks before the wedding date
  • MEAL CHOICES: Make sure these are included on the response card where needed