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  • Save the date card – Fort Myers design




    Save the dates are sent about 6 months before the wedding and precede the formal invitations. Sending out save the date cards is a great way to ensure your guests know the date of your wedding, and to get them excited about your big day. Save the date cards do not necessarily need to closely match your invitations, they can have a photo from your engagement photoshoot; however if you would like to keep your theme throughout your wedding, coordinate your save the date cards to your wedding invitations is a great way to go! The save the date card for this design start at $3/ea for a minimum of 50 pieces ($150 plus shipping). You may purchase a save the date styles sample pack below, or you can start by getting a quote on your your full order.[/vc_wp_text][vc_wp_text]


    Our save the dates are available in 5 different styles:

      • Landscape (with or without photo) 5″x7″ + Envelope A7 – 50 pcs ($3/ea) > $150
      • Portrait (with or without photo) 5″x7″ + Envelope A7 – 50 pcs ($3/ea) > $150
      • Boarding pass style 4″x9″ + Envelope #10  – 50 pcs ($3/ea) > $150
      • Postcard (with or without photo) 6″x4″  – 50 pcs ($3/ea) > $150
      • Magnet (with or without photo) 6″x4″  – 50 pcs ($4/ea) > $200

    [/vc_wp_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_wp_text]Get a save the date styles sample pack[/vc_wp_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_wp_text]Get started on a bulk order[/vc_wp_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color=”black”][vc_wp_text]


    The price includes changes in wording, font color and font style (only for bulk orders). Other customizations such as artwork customization, available for a fee (signature semi-custom designs)[/vc_wp_text][vc_separator color=”black”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_wp_text]


    Many other styles and other coordinated day-of items are available for this design (program fans, seating charts, signage etc.)[/vc_wp_text][vc_wp_text]VIEW ALL AVAILABLE COORDINATED ITEMS [/vc_wp_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • Wedding accessories – Fort Myers design




    • 5.5″x8.5″ order of ceremony / wedding program (digital front/back printing)
    • 4″x8″ wedding menu (digital front printing)
    • 4″x2″ name card (digital front printing)
    • 5″x7″ duplexed table number (digital front printing)
    • 5.5″x4.25″ folded thank you card (digital front printing)

    Purchase this listing to get one sample pack of this day of wedding suite (as above). Do not purchase in multiples, to start a full order please check out our process and fill out the form below.[/vc_wp_text][vc_wp_text]Get a quote and get started on a bulk order[/vc_wp_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color=”black”][vc_wp_text]


    Prices for bulk orders for the full set are as below (shipping and taxes calculated separately):

    Wedding programs $3/ea (min 50 pieces, $150)
    Wedding menu $2/ea (min 50 pieces, $100)
    Name card $1 (min 50 pieces, $50)
    Table card $4 (min 10 pieces, $40)
    Thank you card $2 (min 50 pieces, $100)[/vc_wp_text][vc_separator color=”black”][vc_wp_text]


    The price includes changes in wording, font color and font style.

    Other customizations such as artwork customization, available for a fee (signature semi-custom designs)[/vc_wp_text][vc_separator color=”black”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_wp_text]


    Many other styles and other coordinated day-of items are available for this design (program fans, seating charts, signage etc.)[/vc_wp_text][vc_wp_text]ALL COORDINATED ITEMS

  • passport wedding invitations

    The Fort Myers


    The Fort Myers design presents a refined navy passport, meticulously crafted with authentic-looking stamp designs. It emanates an air of sophistication and wanderlust, beckoning you to embark on an adventurous journey. Complementing this exceptional passport is a boarding pass RSVP postcard, elevating the travel experience. Together, they form an impeccable ensemble for jet-setters and travel enthusiasts alike.

    This Invitation suite includes:

    • 4.5”x6.25″ main card (digital printing) folded double spread
    • Layered printed band
    • Envelope A6
    • 4″x6″ Response postcard (digital printing)

    Save the dates and other coordinated items can be created matching this design.

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